Kia ora!

Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group would like your feedback on reviewing our Group Plan.

We want to know what is important to you, your whanau and your community before, during and after a disaster.

Update 08/04/2024: Group Plan has been published

The Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Plan was published last Friday on the 5th of April 2024. The plan was approved by the members of Bay of Plenty CDEM Group's Joint Committee* during their meeting on Friday. The plan sets the direction for civil defence emergency management within the Bay of Plenty for the next five years. Please see the Documents section on this page for a copy of the 2024-2029 Group Plan.

Thank you to all those who provided feedback during the two consultation phases.

*the Joint Committee is made up of the mayors from each of the Bay of Plenty's district and city councils as well as a representative from Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

Update 08/07/2023: Group Plan submission period is open

The Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan submission period is open. You are able to submit on the draft Group Plan (2023 - 2028) from now until the 13th of August.

The Group Plan is a strategic document about how the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group works with the community before, during and after emergencies. It includes our vision and future direction for Civil Defence and Emergency Management across the region.

In this plan, you won’t find details about how we will respond to individual hazards such as floods, earthquakes and tsunami across different parts of the region. Emergency management and council teams have separate operational plans for different elements of emergency risk reduction, readiness, response and recovery. Those plans are always being revised and fine-tuned, but the Group Plan is designed to chart our strategic course for the next five years.

A copy of the draft Group Plan (2023 - 2028) can be found under the document library on this page. There is also a summary document outlining what has changed since the previous Group Plan.

Please click on the Group Plan submission form link to complete your submission.

What is the Group Plan?

There are a lot of hazards which could affect the Bay of Plenty region such as earthquakes, flooding, tsunami, volcanic eruptions and many more. These hazards can affect us, our friends and whanau and our communities. It is important that we are prepared for disasters to help us get through.

The Group Plan is a document that sets out how the Bay of Plenty CDEM Group works together with the community to prepare for and respond to disasters in the Bay of Plenty. The Plan includes the vision and direction on what we want Civil Defence and Emergency Management to look like in the Bay of Plenty.

What is the BOP Civil Defence Emergency Management Group?

The Civil Defence Emergency Management Act sets out how Civil Defence Emergency Management should be managed around New Zealand.

In the Bay of Plenty, we have a Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group that manages activities. All Bay of Plenty Council’s, are members of this Group, and work with agencies such as the police and fire service, to:

  • reduce the potential effects of hazards;
  • promote community and council readiness (preparedness) to respond to emergencies; and
  • help the community to recover after an event.

Who are BOP Civil Defence Emergency Management?

The Bay of Plenty CDEM Group is governed by a Joint Committee of the Mayors of each member territorial authority (district and city councils) in the Bay of Plenty and an elected member from the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

Emergency Management Officers from each of the territorial authorities and Emergency Management Bay of Plenty work together to deliver emergency management services to the Bay of Plenty.

What is Civil Defence and Emergency Management?

Civil Defence is not an organisation as such, but a system of coordinating emergency management. It's a way communities, organisations and government work together to get ready and get through an emergency. In this way, we are all Civil Defence. Civil Defence professionals are here to coordinate the emergency services, welfare service agencies, utility companies and the community during an emergency.


Update 1/12/2022: Thanks for all your feedback Bay of Plenty!

Over 250 people provided feedback to us on our group plan review.

We've been busy analysing your feedback over the past couple of weeks. We've put together a report summarising all the feedback received and how it will be incorporated into the revised Group Plan. Check under the Document Library tab below for the report.

Also Congratulations to Tessa from the Rotorua Lakes District who is the winner of the Grab & Go Emergency Kit.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Planning Team
Phone 0800 884 881 ext 8152
In writing

Attention: Emergency Management Bay of Plenty
Freepost 122076
Bay of Plenty Regional Council
PO Box 364
Whakatāne 3158