
Consultation summary- Bus Network Refresh

18 August 2021

We are working to make specific bus routes simpler and more convenient, particularly bus services connecting Tauranga City with the Mount, Pāpāmoa, and Te Puke. In June and July, we asked for feedback from the community on a number of proposed route and timetable changes.

We heard back from 123 people online through Participate Bay of Plenty. We also received additional feedback from another 43 people via phone calls, emails, verbal and written comments (at the time of writing). People were encouraged to respond to the questions and routes that were of interest to them. Where people have made comments about broader transport topics, we have shared these back with our staff for consideration.

This document is a summary of what we’ve heard through our online submitters, and where possible other submissions as well. Staff are incorporating all of this feedback into recommendations going to the Public Transport Committee on 26 August. We will publish a link to the recommendations once they are available.