Update 01/08/2023 - Congratulations to our winners!
We've been busy analysing all the feedback and have put together a short report showing the results. You can download the report under the document library section.
The results from the survey will help us to better understand our communities and highlight areas where we can help our communities be better prepared.
Well done to our winners:
- Heather from Opotiki - $50 prezzy card
- Anthony from Rotorua - $50 prezzy card
- Christine from Tauranga - Grab & Go Emergency Kit
Update 20/06/2023 - Thanks for all your feedback Bay of Plenty!
Over 200 people responded to our disaster preparedness survey. This data will help us understand how prepared our communities are across the Bay of Plenty.
We'll analyse all the feedback over the next couple of weeks and put together a report summarising the results. We'll also also reveal the lucky winners of the $50 prezzy cards and Grab & Go Emergency Kit prizes.
Kia ora e te whānau
It has been a pretty hectic start to the year for the Bay of Plenty region and our neighbours, with plenty of rain, thunder and lightning, wind, flooding and slips. We've had some good reminders of why it's important to be prepared for disasters to keep our whanau and friends safe.
We (Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management) would like to gather some information on just how prepared our Bay of Plenty community is for disasters.
The survey tab above includes a quick two minute survey for you to complete. All survey responses will help us figure out the level of disaster preparedness of our Bay of Plenty community.
Tukua mai ōu whakaaro, ā, ka wini pea.
Everyone who completes the survey will go in the draw to win one of two $50 prezzy cards or a Grab & Go Emergency Kit!
Who are BOP Civil Defence Emergency Management?
The Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Emergency Management Group is governed by a Joint Committee of the Mayors of each member territorial authority (district and city councils) in the Bay of Plenty and an elected member from the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.
Emergency Management Officers from each of the territorial authorities and Emergency Management Bay of Plenty work together to deliver emergency management services to the Bay of Plenty.