Increased cost of service delivery

It is proposed to increase most of the charges in the schedules by 2.3% to cover the increased cost of service delivery (note that the final policy adopted in June 2025 will use the March 2025 CPI value that is due to be released in April 2025). These charges fund between 20% and 40% of the cost of these activities. The balance is funded from general rates to represent the wider regional benefit of scientific environmental monitoring and protection, in accordance with our Revenue and Financing Policy.

During the 2024/25 review, a 10% increase was applied to cover the increased cost of service delivery. This increase was reflected in the fees listed in the schedules, but four fee categories in the policy were not adjusted.

It is now proposed to apply this increase to those fee categories (listed below) for 2025.

Table 3 - Proposed increases to fee categories



policy (incl. GST)

2025/26 (incl. GST)

Table 6: Administration charge

Standard charge



Table 6: Administration charge

Multiple consents: Additional charge per consent holder where separate invoicing and correspondence is required



Table 7: Compliance monitoring charges

Fixed administration fee relating to late or non-submission of records and monitoring reports



Table 12: Enforcement charges

Issue of an abatement notice

