
Great feedback received on the Great Kauri Count

16 November 2021

In September this year, we asked you to help us map where kauri are located in the Bay of Plenty, so that we can help keep them safe from kauri dieback. We had a wonderful response, with over 700 visitors to the page.

Your contribution has helped us to identify 245 locations where these great kings of the forest are growing and thriving across the Bay of Plenty region. The resulting database will be used to monitor their health and protect them from kauri dieback disease in the future.

Within the new Bay of Plenty Regional Pest Management Plan which is due to become operative in early December, kauri dieback is listed as an exclusion pest which means that we will be doing everything possible to ensure that the region remains disease-free.

Thanks again to all who contributed to this project - Ngā mihi nui.