Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey. We have now closed off the feedback form and will be collating responses to see how we might best shape our development opportunities.

We will be in touch soon.

Toi Moana will be exploring a training initiative to support iwi and hapū in developing Resource Management Plans, Freshwater Plans and other targeted development. If you are interested in expressing interest on behalf of your iwi or hapū, please complete this survey.

We are exploring a range of ways to enhance the capacity and capability of tāngata whenua . This could include the development of Iwi and Hapū resource management plans which includes freshwater plans and other targeted skill development.

Iwi and hapū insights will be pivotal in shaping this initiative, to ensure it provides content that aligns with your specific requirements and interests.

This survey covers a variety of topics, including Iwi and Hapū resource management plan development and kaupapa-specific matters. It also seeks guidance regarding the style of, and locations for learning. Additionally, we are keen to understand if there are other essential skills or knowledge areas that your hapū or iwi are interested in developing further.

This survey has now closed.