Te Mahere Tūroa, Our Long Term Plan 2024-2034 formally adopted
The go ahead to enable a managed selldown process for part of the Port of Tauranga shareholding, development of a new regional park, funding of public transport in urban areas, and a green light for an increase in funding for community groups are among key decisions in our Long Term Plan that was signed off by Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council.
Read the full media release on the adoption on 26 June.
Key points
- 2.9% real increase to general rates in 2024/25 (1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025)
- 8.2% general rates increase (including growth and inflation)
- This equates to an extra $13 for a median residential property
- Average targeted rate increase of 17.5% (real) depending on area and services received
- $47m Quayside Holdings dividend which reduces rates by an average $400 per household
- $9.5m savings in operating costs
- $1.23m for community groups
- Approval to enable a managed sell-down of the 54.14% shareholding in Port of Tauranga Limited to a minimum of 28%
- Funding development of a new Regional Park
The 2024 – 2034 Long Term Plan sets the budget and details the work that will be delivered for the next 10 years. The development of the Long Term Plan included comprehensive community engagement, with significant interest and input from ratepayers across the region.
For more information visit boprc.govt.nz
Parameters to enable Port share sell down
In February 2025, Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana set parameters that will define how some of its shareholding in the Port of Tauranga can be divested.
Read more information on Port of Tauranga shareholding
Read the full media release on the parameters to enable share sell down.

Your Bay, Your Say
What we do
Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s role involves looking after our environment, which includes our land air and water, and also public transport and sustainable development for the region.
The Long Term Plan
Every three years we work with our community to produce a Long Term Plan. The Long Term Plan sets our strategic direction for the next ten years, including the work we will deliver and how that work will be funded.
We are currently working on our 2024 – 2034 Long Term Plan and would like to hear your thoughts to help us shape what goes into our draft plan.
Community challenges
Council is very aware of community affordability when it comes to the services it provides. Current economic challenges, including a cost of living crisis, combined with climate change events, such as cyclones, are having a significant impact on what council needs to deliver. We’re seeking your views on where we should focus our efforts as we draft the Long Term Plan.
Ngā Kaupapa Uiuinga | Consultation Topics
Hearings are now completed, and staff are preparing for the deliberations process.
Hearings for Submitters
- Watch recordings of the hearings held 10, 14-16 May.
- Read all the submissions (PDF 271.25MB) we received
- View the late submissions received
- Download and view the hearings schedule (DOCX 42.99KB)
Consultation activities
A range of engagement events happened during the consultation period (8 March-9 April) to encourage community to make submissions.
Connect with your councillors
Some of our Councillors offered drop-in sessions for community on a trial basis from 26 February-22 April. Meet with your elected representatives to discuss what matters to you. No appointment necessary.
Talk to us at a community event:
- Bayfair Shopping Centre Pop Up, Mount Maunganui, Saturday 16 March, 9am – 6pm
- Rangitaiki River Festival, Thornton Beach, Saturday 16 March
- Multicultural Festival, Historic Village, Tauranga, Saturday 23 March, 10am – 5pm
- Kuirau Park Markets, Rotorua, Saturday 23 March, 7am – 1.30pm
- Business at Breakfast, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga, Thursday 4 April, 7-9am

Friend of the Submitter
Our Friend of the Submitter service provided independent support to help make submissions. The Friend of Submitters service was provided by the Council to remove barriers and foster participation in the Long Term Plan. A limited time per submitter was available. There is no cost for this service.
At least twenty requests for support were made to the Friends of the Submitter service as part of the Long Term Plan consultation.
Tā mātou i rongo ai | What we've heard so far
Submissions have now closed, and staff are preparing for the hearings process. If you are one of the 121 individuals or organisations who indicated you would like to speak to your submission, you will hear from us shortly.
- Read all the submissions PDF 271.25MB we received
- Download and view the hearings schedule DOCX 42.99KB
NB: Please contact ltp@boprc.govt.nz to request any changes to your scheduled hearing time
What happens at a Hearing?
At a hearing, you have the opportunity to speak to the decision makers about your submission.
- You can do this in person, or if you prefer by zoom. You are welcome to bring people to support you.
- These are public meetings, so your name and submission
will be made available on the Regional Council’s website.
- If you would like to present in Te Reo Māori or NZ sign language, please arrange this in advance so we can organise translators.
- Each submitter will have a set time period to speak.
- Please arrive 10 minutes before your speaking time and check in with the registration desk when you arrive.
- If you want to share a presentation, please let us know in advance and bring a copy with you on a memory stick/ USB.
- Councillors may ask questions to better understand your suggestions or concerns.
- No decisions regarding your submissions will be made at
the hearings as this will happen at the Deliberations Meeting.
When and where are Hearings?
Hearings are open to the public and you are welcome to attend in person or watch the live stream online where available.
A hearings schedule is being prepared and a hearings pack with a summary of almost 400 submissions.
- Friday 10 May- Huria Marae, 1 Te Kaponga Street, Brookfield, Tauranga - Pōwhiri at 9am, hearings commence at 9:30am
- Tuesday 14 May from 9:30am- Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 5 Quay Street, Whakatāne
- Wednesday 15 May from 9:30am- Rotorua Lakes Council building, Civic Centre, 1061 Haupapa Street, Rotorua
- Thursday 16 May from 9:30am, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga
Early feedback received in 2023
Thanks to everyone to took part in the Your Bay Your Way surveys we ran in September and October 2023. Over 1600 Bay of Plenty residents had their say and findings from the surveys were used to help inform our next Long Term Plan which we are now consulting on.
A summary of the early feedback received from community was shared with council on 25 October. A copy of the survey results is available here.