Objective 1: Mode shift and carbon reduction

Whāinga 1: Te neke aratau me te whakaitinga waro

This draft objective relates to public transport successfully contributing to the region’s mode shift and greenhouse gas reduction goals. Policies that support this objective include:

  • Prioritising frequent and reliable services on key urban corridors
  • Targeted interventions in urban areas to achieve mode shift
  • Travel demand management strategies
  • Transitioning to a zero-emission public transport fleet
  • Exploring and implementing the concept of Mobility as a Service
  • Working collaboratively to continue to explore the potential for passenger rail
  • Advocating for transport pricing mechanisms to achieve mode shift and increase public transport use

Draft Targets

Public transport successfully contributes to the region’s mode shift and greenhouse gas reduction goals.

Target: Increase public transport mode share in Tauranga and Rotorua urban areas (morning peak) to >5% by 2030

Reduce public transport emissions by decarbonising the region’s fleet.

Target: Zero tailpipe emissions from the region’s public transport fleet by 2035.