Objective 4: Public transport and land use integration
Whāinga 4: Te whakakotahinga o te waka tūmatanui me te whakamahi whenua
Policies on taking an integrated approach to the relationship between public transport and land use (particularly urban form). These include:
- Ensuring planned urban intensification is serviced by public transport
- Promoting integration between public transport and other modes such as walking, cycling and micro-mobility
- Consideration of providing public transport services and infrastructure in new urban areas
- Collaboration when planning public transport networks in new urban areas
- Principles to be applied when investigating and developing park and ride facilities
- Working collaboratively to explore the longer-term potential for rapid transit
Draft Target
Integrated public transport and land use planning supports well-functioning urban environments that enable all people and communities to provide for their social, economic, and cultural wellbeing, and for their health and safety, now and into the future.
Target: A minimum of 47% of jobs in our main urban centres are accessible within 45 minutes travel time by public transport from all dwellings in the morning peak in 2030.