
Regional Council Meeting - 9 May 2024

13 May 2024

Representation Review - Project Update

Council met on 9 May to review their initial representation proposal for both the general and Māori constituencies.

They decided to maintain the current arrangement for all constituencies.

Māori Constituencies:

Council’s initial proposal is to maintain the current arrangement for the Māori constituencies. This proposal has three constituencies, Mauao, Kōhi and Ōkurei, with one Councillor representing each.

General Constituencies:

Council’s initial proposal is to maintain the current arrangement of the general constituencies. This option provides for four electorates: Western Bay of Plenty (represented by two Councillors), Tauranga (five Councillors), Rotorua (two Councillors) and Eastern Bay of Plenty (two Councillors).

Councillors also agreed to a period of public consultation on their initial proposal.

If you would like to make a submission online, click here.

The submission period will close on 10 July 2024.

A hearing is scheduled for 13 August 2024.

To learn more about the initial proposal and submissions process, view the Initial Proposal consultation document below:

More information:

You can view the papers for the 9 May Council Meeting here.

Information about the previous 19 March Council Workshop (including supporting documents) can be found here.