
Representation Review Hearing and Deliberations

13 August 2024

The hearing and deliberations for the BOPRC Representation Review were held on Tuesday 13 August 2024.

Council heard from Federated Farmers and considered the 29 submissions received during deliberations. Council noted that their deliberations were the culmination of a comprehensive process that had considered a wide range of options.

Having considered all of those options, and that submissions had largely supported the initial proposal, they determined that the initial proposal does the best job of meeting the legislative obligation to balance communities of interest and fair and effective representation Council resolved to keep their Initial Proposal of status quo as their Final Proposal with no change.

The next steps for the project are a public notice to inform people of, and reasons for, the decision, followed by a one-month appeals period where anyone who has submitted is able to appeal the decision.

For more information:

To see a copy of the agenda, click here.

A recording of the hearing and deliberations can be found here.