What's new?
- All the things in Option Three.
- Instead of one crosstown service there would be two operating every 30 minutes: – Ngongotahā, Ferry Springs, Mokoia Campus, SCION, Te Ngae Rd and the Airport – Ferry Springs, CBD, Fenton St, SCION, Te Ngae Rd, and the Airport
- From 2026 all bus routes would operate every 20 minutes during the busiest times of day instead of every 30 minutes.
So what?
The new bus services will make it much easier to move across the city without needing to change buses at the CBD. This will make many trips much quicker and more reliable.
Increasing the frequency of buses will reduce the time needed to wait for a bus by 50% and make using the bus a lot easier and more reliable; particularly for people who are in a hurry or need confidence that they can arrive at work on time.
This option also has the potential to has a big impact on reducing traffic with a reduction of 1,000 car trips on the road network each day and 960 tonnes of C02 annually.

What does it cost?
To pay for these changes there would be an increase in the rate charged per household averaging $41 per year for the next 10-years.