What's new?
All the things in Option Two plus:
- Additional investment in marketing the bus service
- An increase in investment in bus stop shelters and lighting
- New signage and wayfinding within the CBD
- A new crosstown service operating between Ngongotahā, Fairy Springs, Mokoia Campus, SCION, Te Ngae Rd and the Airport every 20 minutes, increasing to every 15 minutes in 2025. To make this more affordable existing Routes 1 and 6 would be combined.
- Development of a bus shortcut to the Redwoods to bypass some congestion on Te Ngae Rd.
- Investigations and investment for bus lanes and clearways starting from 2025.
So what?
The new crosstown route will give a lot more people direct access to jobs and study outside of the CBD and support extensive new housing developments on Te Ngae Rd. The route is also within 600m of all secondary schools so will provide a great service for many of these students as well.
The development of a bus shortcut to the redwoods will allow buses to access the redwoods much more efficiently for tourists and mountain bikers at the same time as reducing the amount of time buses are stuck in traffic. It’s a win-win!! Investment in bus priority on some key bus corridors will help to maintain bus reliability and attract more users.

What does it cost?
To pay for these changes there would be an increase in the rate charged per household averaging $22 per year for the next 10-years.