School Sustainability and Resilience Fund
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SSRF 2024 - Youth Panel Members
In early 2024 we received 38 applications for our School Sustainability & Resilience Fund from schools, kura, kohanga, kindergartens, early childhood education centres and other education organisations across our rohe. This year Trust Horizon, TECT and BayTrust have contributed extra funding to help make more projects a success.
Together with the community vote and the youth vote, we congratulate the 31 successful applicants who will receive funding towards their environmentally sustainable project.
We thank everyone for their contributions, time and commitment to making the 2024 funding round a great success!
Successful projects:
Applicant | Project Title |
Beststart Papamoa Plaza | Tsunami Ready |
Brookfield Kindergarten | A waste minimisation system that promotes tamariki engagement. |
Central Kids Elstree Kindergarten | Ngā Kākano o Apumoana |
Central Kids Ōwhata Kindergarten | Maara Kai to Pataka Kai |
Fern Garden Preschool | Te Whare heihei |
Glenholme Primary School | Edible Garden |
Grow On Katikati Seedlings Club | Seedlings Club Educational Signage |
Kidiwise Preschool and Childcare | Rainwater Tanks |
Lilliput Preschool | LifeCycle Garden |
Little Moments Childcare Ltd | Forest Kindergarten Māra kai |
Matua Kindergarten | Sustainable Waterplay |
Maungaarangi Kindergarten and Whānau Centre | To fence mara kai and create a sensory garden |
Mount Maunganui Playcentre | Bike and Scooter Racks |
Ōmanu Preschool | Sensory Garden |
Otumoetai College | Stream bank restoration project |
Ōtūmoetai Primary School | Te Māra Kai o Ōtūmoetai Primary - The Food Garden of Ōtūmoetai Primary |
Owhatiura Lynmore Playcentre | Pi, Puawai & Putiputi (Bees, butterflies and flowers) for Owhatiura Lynmore Playcentre |
Pohutukawa Preschool | Explore and Grow |
Port Ōhope Playcentre | Feijoa Food Forest |
Pyes Pā Playcentre | Weather Station |
St Josephs Matatā | Maara Kai |
Tarawera High School | Tarawera Community Garden |
Te Kura o Manunui | Poipoia te kākano, kia puawai (Nurture the seed and it will bloom) |
Te Kura o Maungatapu - Maungatapu School | Bike Rack for bike track and bike tool station |
Te Puke High School | Rainwater harvesting for sustainable irrigation system |
Te Puna School | Māra Kai - Raised Garden Beds |
The Blue Cottage Early Learning Centre | Harvesting Rain and Wind, growing kaitiakitanga |
Trident High School - Science | Te Māra Kai Garden Development |
Tūhura Wilderness | Tūhura Wellbeing & Kai Food Forest |
Whakamārama School | Uru Huarākau - Whakamārama School Orchard |
Whakatāne Intermediate School | School Composting Programme |